Wednesday, February 2, 2011


February 1st, 2011 Illinois and 29 other states were affected by one of the largest snow storms that the U.S. has seen for quite some time.  Chicago was one of the cities that was hit the hardest.  Winds were estimated at 70mph and the insane mix of snow, thunder, and lightning had everyone talking.  Traffic jams on Lake Shore Drive lasting for more than 4 hours resulted in a complete shut down of LSD.  All drivers were asked to abandon their vehicles overnight and take immediate shelter.  The entire city was shut down and it was eerie to see the streets of Chicago so lifeless.  As a result of the storm Chicago public schools were shut down for the 1st time in 12 years, businesses closed down and almost anyone with a job was asked to stay home.  Today, however, as the storm settled down it appeared that the sun snuck out and so did the rest of the city.  After all, it doesn't happen very often that all of Chicago has a SNOW DAY...SNOW.M.G.!  In order to remember this day more vividly take a peek at the below pictures from "Snowmagedon 2011".

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